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*First published by Paddlers Press

Centuries after, at the embassy

I sat humbly, praying my interviewer be kind

The room is damped in chained memories

I, the ‘slave boy’ hoping the man across the table sees value in me

He checks my papers thoroughly like his people checked the body of my people

He smiles, and approves my entry

“Oh!!! he is a strong one” whispers in my ears

My ancestors toiled on farmlands

I, too, with my sharpened teeth wants a bite off the big Apple

What’s the difference between an embassy and a slave market?

What’s the difference between La Porte du Non-retour and the airport?

Slavery is still alive, and this time, we are paying our way into the plantation.

Ibrahim Abu

Abu Ibrahim (IB) is a published Nigerian poet. He has also performed at the Pa Gya Literary Festival in Ghana, Lagos International Poetry Festival, Say It Out, Lagos and more. He is the recipient of the Lagos State University (LASU) Debate Society Impact Maker Award for Storytelling and Outstanding Impact, and the 2023 winner of the Port Harcourt Poetry Festival Poetry/Spoken Word Poetry Album of the Year – for his debut poetry album; ‘Music Has Failed Us’.

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