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The cock-ing of the gun
Is the cock crow at the beginning of the day
The one who runs helter skelter
Is always the stranger

The blood on the street
Is the morning dew after a long night
The one who screams
Is always the stranger

The high pitch of a woman crying
Is the church bell on a Sunday morning
The one who asks, what is going on?
Is always the stranger

The dilapidated house
Is the mansion on the street
The one who says, I’m sure people don’t live there
Is always the stranger

The rants of drunken men
Is the early morning news
The one who tries to understand
Is always the stranger

The dirt on the street
Is the red carpet of this ‘party’
The one who calls it a dustbin
Is always the stranger.

Chinemerem Oparaugo

Chinemerem Oparaugo is a poet and storyteller. Her work explores themes around nature, everyday life, love, the girl child and her country, amongst others. When she is not writing, she is dreaming or travelling.

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