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The first wonder of the world is the miracle of conception and birth
The second is like the first, a mother’s love
Hard as the Olumo rock
Yet soft as freshly baked bread
Stern as a soldier on duty
Yet making wishes come true like a fairy godmother.


Her love,
Is seen in the swipe of the broom from her hands to your body
It’s in the 5-hour midnight talks
It is in the pins you pick and the okada’s you ride
It’s in the shout you hear from your room upstairs telling you to come and pick something that’s beside her downstairs
This love cannot be rivaled
This love cannot cloned.

Chinemerem Oparaugo

Chinemerem Oparaugo is a poet and storyteller. Her work explores themes around nature, everyday life, love, the girl child and her country, amongst others. When she is not writing, she is dreaming or travelling.

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