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I’ve thought about how people
who lived a very long time ago
may have thought that their time
was the best or the worst
or the time that the world
would come to an end.

I have thought about how people
that’ll live in times ahead
will call our time archaic
our traditions barbaric
and see the new culture
as the world’s everlasting prime.

I’ve thought of how
they’ll dig our graves
in search of truth
find bones of social media
and memories stuck in relics;
their version of floppy disks.

They’ll call our visions
of their world blindness
think of our language as tedious;
as we think of Shakespeare’s tongue
they too will swear
it’s the sins of their time
that’ll make God burn the world.

Oyin Shoola

Oyindamola Shoola is finishing a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing programme, at the American University and finalizing the manuscript for her next book, an anthology of afro-centric romantic comedy poems. Her writings including fiction, op-ed articles, and poetry have been published through several literary platforms and magazines like Black Fox, Phi Theta Kappa’s Nota Bene, Authorpedia, Dovetail, Kalahari Review, and others.


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