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We are delighted to share our shortlisted writers for the Poetry Journal 2024 Issue. Congratulations to these top 5 writers whose work emerged as the best of the 1,203 pieces received from writers across 12 countries and 5 continents. The winners will be announced on July 1. Our prizes include ₦100,000 to the Prize Winner, ₦50,000 to the First Runner-Up, ₦25,000 to the Second Runner-Up.

We congratulate these shortlisted writers and look forward to sharing more updates!

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Blood Ties

Shortlisted | 2024

Abu Ibrahim (IB) is a published Nigerian poet. He has also performed at the Pa Gya Literary Festival in Ghana, Lagos International Poetry Festival, Say It Out, Lagos and more.

He is the recipient of the Lagos State University (LASU) Debate Society Impact Maker Award for Storytelling and Outstanding Impact, and the 2023 winner of the Port Harcourt Poetry Festival Poetry/Spoken Word Poetry Album of the Year – for his debut poetry album; ‘Music Has Failed Us’.

Connect with him on X or Instagram using the handle @_therealib

Nosakhare Peter Osarenren was born in Edo State Nigeria, and holds a Bachelor’s in Law from the University of Benin.

His book, ‘For Him,’ a chapbook of Christian poetry, explores themes of trust and submission. Some of his live performances include ‘Dear African,’ performed at the Rehab Lounge in Benin City, and ‘ Pots and Kettles’ performed at Nosana Studios, Edo Global Art Foundation, etc.

Nosakhare is also a co-founder of DeCreAce Art Club, a fast-growing creative hub in Nigeria where he facilitates creative writing workshops.

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Poetry Journal 2024 Shortlisted Poem

Shiloh Okparanma is a writer and poet resident in Rivers State. He is a graduate of the University of Port Harcourt and founder of a literary community during his university days. He enjoys reading fictional novels with poetic profoundness (with his favourite being ‘The Beautiful Ones Are Not Yet Born’). When he is not reading or writing, he is picking up arbitrary and curious knowledge.

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Poetry Journal 2024 Shortlisted Poem

Olawunmi Shobola is a Nigerian lawyer based in Toronto, Canada. She finds self-expression through poetry, short stories and drawing. She is currently working on a collection of literary works for publication. You can find her corner of the internet via Instagram @wunmeee.

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Poetry Journal 2024 Shortlisted Poem

Emmanuel G G Yamba writes from Monrovia, Liberia. He’s a graduate of the University of Liberia and SprinNG Advancement Fellowship. His work has been featured and forthcoming in The Shallow Tales Review, The MUSE, SprinNG, Inkspired, Funminiyi Anthologies, Libretto Magazine, Salamander Ink, African Writer, Kalahari Review, Odd Mag., Rigorous, TVO Tribe, Ibadan Arts, An anthology for Abunic and elsewhere.

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Poetry Journal

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