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Before the confession, the priest reminds us of God’s love –
sure, lasting, infinite, pouring.

I think about how we are when night comes.
You and I, hand in hand,

tongue to tongue,
capsizing into ascension.

Chinecherem Enujioke

Chinecherem Enujioke is a budding poet from Nigeria and an undergraduate at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, where she studies Nursing Sciences. She was shortlisted for the 2023 African Human Rights Spoken Word Contest, SEVHAGE-KSR Hyginus Ekwuazi Poetry Prize 2023, and the 2023 Unserious Collective Fellowship. Her works have appeared in Lolwe, Brittle paper, IHRAF publishes, and PoetrycolumnND. She is a volunteer reader for Rowayat and the Research Editor for The Moulder, a print magazine that publishes girl-child-related issues in Nigeria. She tweets @VCEnujioke.

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